FHLBank Chicago Offering New Low Loan Balance Pricing Payups for MPF Traditional and Xtra Products

  • February 23, 2022

The Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (FHLBank Chicago) is now offering Low Loan Balance pricing payups for the Mortgage Partnership Finance® (MPF®)  Program’s Traditional and Xtra products. All Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) with MPF Traditional and MPF Xtra® Master Commitments can benefit from our improved price payups for low balance loans. These advantageous prices (listed below) will be available along with the existing pricing schedules on the eMPF® website and will also be reflected in the Product Pricing Engines (PPEs).

New Pricing Options for MPF Traditional (MPF Original, MPF 35, MPF 125):

  • “Fixed 30-Year 250K Max Loan Amount”
  • “Fixed 30-Year 225K Max Loan Amount”
  • “Fixed 15-Year 200K Max Loan Amount”

New Pricing Options for MPF Xtra:

  • “Fixed 30-Year 250K Max Loan Amount”

With this update, the MPF Traditional and MPF Xtra products will offer the same low loan balance pricing options.

Low Loan Balance pricing options continue to provide your institution with access to expanded pricing on low balance loans, which can help attract new customers and result in increased profitability.

MPF TraditionalMPF Xtra
Maximum Loan Amount15 Year Conventional20 Year Conventional30 Year Conventional30 Year Government30 Year Conventional


To learn more about how the new pricing schedules can benefit your mortgage best execution analysis, to request a list of the new sub-product codes, or for any other questions you may have regarding the Low Loan Balance pricing option, contact your Sales Director or MPF Sales Support

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Casey Reidy 
Director, Communications 

Heather Bockstruck
Assistant Director, Communications