Community Impact Advance Pilot Program FAQ

Find answers to commonly asked questions about the Community Impact Advance.

Pilot Program Details

What is the Community Impact Advance?
When is the Community Impact Advance open?
Why is FHLBank Chicago offering the Community Impact Advance?
What is an interest rate subsidy?
How do I calculate the interest rate subsidy for my Community Impact Advance?
Who can reserve interest rate subsidy?
What happens if I don’t use my interest rate subsidy?
How low could rates go before the Community Impact Advance is cut off?

Advance Structure

What kind of advance can I execute?
What size discount can I get on an advance?
What size advance can I execute?
Can I change the terms of my advance after I submit my interest rate subsidy reservation?
Do I have to match fund the advance to my underlying loan or investment?
Can the advance be forward-starting?
If my underlying loan prepays, do I have to repay my advance?
I do not want to take a one year advance due to my balance sheet needs, what can I do?
Are there prepay fees and penalties that will be assigned if we prepay?


What activities qualify for a Community Impact Advance?
How do I find what qualifies?
Can the activities be located anywhere?
Can I qualify for an advance with loans or investments already on my balance sheet?
How do I find area median income (AMI)?
Do mixed use developments qualify? Would it be evaluated under Affordable Housing or Economic Development Impact Category requirements?
Can a line of credit qualify?
Can refinances or renewals on current loans qualify?
Can I originate a new loan to an existing customer?
Are there any restrictions on the loan rates I charge my borrowers for a loan that qualifies?
Can I purchase a bond under the Community Impact Advance?
Can I use my advance proceeds to lend to a 501(C)(7) organization?
Can I lend to any small business?
My bank buys participation loans when we don’t generate enough loans on our own. Will these qualify?
Who can I ask at FHLBank Chicago to check my eligibility?


How do I fill out an application to reserve subsidy?
What information do I need to report on community impact?
How do I execute the Community Impact Advance?
If my Impact Data changes after submission, can/should I make edits to it?
How soon after submitting Impact Data can I expect to receive funds?
What follow up reporting or ongoing reporting requirements are there?

Other Questions

Where do I go for more assistance?
Does using this Community Impact Advance qualify me for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit?
Will all loans that qualify for a Downpayment Plus® (DPP®) grant be eligible for the Community Impact Advance?