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SBA Debenture Calculator

Please Enter Debenture Face Amount, then select:

  1. Debenture Type
  2. Debenture Term
  3. SBA Annual Charge

Estimated Face Amount of Debenture $
Debenture Type SBIC Discount Accrual - PDF
  Early Stage Standard Early Stage Discount
Approximate Debenture Term
Maturity Date
SBA Annual Charge 
Estimated Interest Rate for Year Debenture %
Optional: Enter an Alternative Rate to be used in the Calculation %
Estimated Net Proceeds Provided to SBIC
(Please scroll down to view details of calculation.)
Face Amount You Selected for Debenture $
Interest Rate You Selected for Calculation %
Less: Present Value of Interest for the 
5 Year Discount Period
Less: Future Value of % Annual Charge
for the 5 Year Discount Period
Total Discount from Face Amount $

Equals: Estimated Gross Proceeds
(Estimated Purchase Price)
Less: Leverage Fee (2% of SBIC Discount and Early Stage Debenture Face Amount) -

Equals: Estimated Net Proceeds Provided to Licensee $
Note: Due to changing market conditions, the quoted rates and values derived above may not be indicative of actual rates and values that will apply on the settlement date.