We are pleased to provide you with the 2017 annual report of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, and pleased that during the year we were able to deliver you value and meet the needs of so many of our members through our products and services.
During 2017, we experienced growth in advances, letters of credit, and purchases through our Mortgage Partnership Finance® (MPF®) Program. In addition, our Community Investment programs allowed us to serve you by supporting you in service to your communities. This report shares highlights from 2017.
We want to acknowledge Bill Sennholz’s commitment to our members through his skillful service as the Chairman of the Board for 2016 and 2017. We are pleased that Bill remains on the Board of Directors so that we can continue to draw on his knowledge and experience.
We had an exceptional year in support of you and your communities. Thank you for your membership in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago.
Matthew R. Feldman,
President and CEO,
Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
Michael G. Steelman,
Chairman of the Board,
Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Bushnell
March 9, 2018